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18 hacks to be more productive, more creative and happier

18 hacks to be more productive, more creative and happier

Can we “hack” happiness? Can you find tricks to be more creative or productive?

For the past two years I have been writing down the small hacks that I found the get more things done, to be more creative and to be a happier person.

Here is a quick list of things I have done recently that worked, or at least for me. If you want more information on those, feel free the send me a note.


Start a morning routine. I recommend GEBY. You can read more about it here. Basically here is how GEBY works:

Wake up, write down 3 things you are Grateful (G) for, do some Exercise (E), go for a run, do some pushups, etc., eat Breakfast (B) and choose one thing you will do for You (Y)  today: something that will make your day fucking great.

2. Find your perfect waking hour

Don’t wake up at 6am if you are not a morning person. Try few different hours to find your best time to wake up.

3. Routines and rituals

Read this book about routines and how artists work and start as many rituals as possible in your life (morning, before going to bed, etc.)

4. Drink more water

You will feel less tired and will be able to work longer without having a cloudy mind.

5. Exercice more

Work out at least twice a week. GEBY exercises or just walking in not enough. Go to the gym, run, start a sport.

6. Never take the lift

Always take the stairs. It’s a free workout and it can also save you a great amount of time.

7. Read more

Subscribe on audible, buy a kindle, get a library card. I don’t care what you need to do but start reading like a MOFO. You should be reading a book per week.

8. Do more than one thing

Do more than one thing. Force yourself if you have to but just do more. Start a side project, learn something new, build a startup, whatever you are interested in go and do that.

10. If you are not focused, stop what you are doing and do something else

Whenever you feel like you are not productive, don’t force it. Just stop whatever you are doing and go do something else (run, read, drink) for at least 15 minutes and go back to work.

11. Meditate

Download the Headspace app and start meditation. It will teach you to better deal with your brain and emotions.

12. Set up life goals and learning goals

Write down 3 goals to be achieved per month (life or business goals) and 3 learning goals (something new you want to learn during that month).

13. Always be on time 

“The habit of being prompt once formed extends to everything — meeting friends, paying debts, going to church, reaching and leaving place of business, keeping promises, retiring at night and rising in the morning, going to the lecture and town-meeting, and, indeed, to every relation and act, however trivial it may seem to observers.”

–William Makepeace Thayer, Tact and Grit, 1882

14. Do crazy things. Life is an experience

Go crazy at some point. Use to keep track of mad things you want to try. Life is not only about work. You might only have one shot at it so enjoy it.

15. If you don’t have time, you don’t have priorities

Keep that in mind and don’t ever say: I don’t have time. Make time for things that are important.

16. Start thinking about your future in terms of skills your want to develop.

If your skills are Word and PowerPoint, you’re screwed. Be a jack of all trades. Focus on developing new skills become world class at it.

17. Keep track of what makes you happy and what not. Do more of this and less of that.

Easy right?

18. Find mentors, people you look up to. Ask yourself what they would do and do that.

Finding a mentor does not necessarily mean you need to meet him, sit down with him and share coffee. You can find mentors in books, movies, blogs, etc. Look for people that are doing what you want to do and study them, learn about them as much as possible.