It's time to be, not to do.

Have you ever wondered why we use the phrase "Human Being" but it seems like we spend most of our lives "Doing" things.

Shouldn't we be "Human Doing" then?

Have you ever wondered why we're called "human beings" when it seems like we spend most of our lives doing things?

Shouldn't we be called "human doings" then?

Ryan Holiday touches on this in one of his articles, highlighting the importance of simply being.

He suggests that in the constant hustle of doing—chasing goals, ticking off tasks—we might lose sight of the essence of being.

Being present, being mindful, and being in the moment are crucial aspects of our humanity that we often overlook in our busy lives.

"But what if you tried it differently. What if, you follow that old joke: Don’t just do something.

Stand there! It applies to the thoughts racing through your head too.

Don’t just think something. Be here! You, being alive, that’s all you’re actually obligated to do. That’s what your relationships require (as opposed to money or anything else–just you).

The rest is extra. It’s important, don’t get me wrong. Don’t abandon your creativity, your work ethic, your purpose.

But you don’t have to make yourself miserable in the pursuit of it.

Don’t let it strip you of the pleasure of enjoying the little moments in life.

Try to be instead of do. Try doing nothing at all. See what happens.

You might be surprised."